Recent stuff
-And there will be no one to cross the Rubicon on KRITIQAL
-ANIME NEXT '23 on
- Name one place in Swords & Kissies on Der Vierter Raum, previously at Staffordshire St Gallery
- Zero Context podcast series on KRITIQAL


like someone drowning, 2021
A friend resting after a long adventure, dressing their wounds, 2020
the ones to revolutionize the world, 2019the interface accompanying this installation can be accessed here. Music will auto-play upon opening.
Two dogs wanted to go on a walk, so I dressed up this one —, 2018
* — and this one*, 2018
A-kun and U-chan Revolutionize the World, 2017
Help me buy a gun, 2017

games and interfaces
name one place, 2022

A recored performance of Name one place titled Island Hopping is available for view on Youtube for those who need captions and audio description or for anyone who otherwise cannot play the game themselves.

Name one place in Swords and Kisses on Die Vierter Raum

At Visual Studies Workshop for the Queer Games Bundle Pop-up

Swords and Kisses At Staffordshire St Gallery
360 editz, ongoing
METAhome 2019
battle at the center of yr heart, 2018

And there will be no one to cross the Rubicon

Non-Random Name Generator 2: Fervent Birth

"What You Can Actually Do in the Metaverse Right Now", on Immerse

"Souls as a service", on KRITIQAL

No war crimes in chat on KRITQAL, 2021

Collected Documents from a Year at The Rickets, 2021

"Cuties, Buried in the Waste" for KRITIQAL's Forgotten games essay jam


teenage transbian breakup behind the edgewater, NJ Mitsuwa Marketplace gazing upon the hudson (trackball mouse series), digital painting 2022
Untitled trackball paintings, digital paintings, 2022

Untitled ∀ Gundam (Turn-A Gundam) fanart, digital painting, 2021

untitled soul nomad & the world eaters fan art (demon blast), 2021, digital painting

We have defended this land for eons, leave now before there is bloodshed
silkscreen print, 2019

We Love Computer!
silkscreen print, 2018

ROCKET PUNCH "Heh, I wasn't even trying"
intaglio print, 2018

i am cute, cool, and powerful and i want 2 protect every1 i luv
intaglio print, 2018

I source, steal and invent cool and cute stuff from popular video games, cartoons, and internet fandom culture. My materials are siphoned into isolated scenes depicting love and trauma out-of-context and after-the-fact. Through my own video games, objects, paintings, drawings, and time-based interfaces, I place viewers, players, and readers in front of some kind of conflict. For both the knowing fandom audience and the unknowing outsider I then ask: invent your own fictions and investigate what brought you there.b. 1996
Based in New Jersey
BFA Studio Art | Rutgers University
